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How Is Schizophrenia Treated?

How Is Schizophrenia Treated?

Schizophrenia is an often misunderstood condition. Despite its Latin origin which means “split mind,” schizophrenia doesn’t cause split or multiple personalities. Instead, it affects how the brain works, disrupting a variety of vital functions like memory, senses, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Because schizophrenia impacts your brain’s function, it can cause symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and unusual movements. Those with schizophrenia often struggle with paranoia, lack of concern for personal hygiene, and coexisting mental health conditions such as depression and substance use disorders. 

Unfortunately, those living with schizophrenia often don’t recognize that they have the condition, and it can wreak havoc on every aspect of their lives. But, if you do have a schizophrenia diagnosis, know that plenty of treatments are available to you that can vastly improve the quality of your life. 

So, whether you’ve just recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia or you’ve been living with it for years, our team led by Venice Sanchez, MD, at her practice in Newport Beach, California, wants to review your options for effective schizophrenia management in this month's blog. 

Professional schizophrenia treatment

Schizophrenia is a lifelong condition, so it’s important to partner with a licensed psychiatrist such as Dr. Sanchez for optimal condition management. She can help prescribe the proper medications and find the correct therapy technique since these are the top two treatments necessary for schizophrenia management. 

Antipsychotic drugs are the go-to medication choice for schizophrenia because they help regulate the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dr. Sanchez’s goal is to find the right antipsychotic at the lowest necessary dose to minimize the risk of adverse side effects. 

A variety of therapy techniques can also be helpful. Talk therapy can help identify areas of stress and offer healthy ways to cope in order to keep symptoms from returning. Social skills training can help with communication and other aspects of social interactions while also helping with daily functions and personal goal achievement.

Lifestyle modifications for schizophrenia 

Dr. Sanchez also prioritizes living a healthy life as part of schizophrenia treatment. Having schizophrenia puts you at a higher risk for mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety along with physical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. 

Living a healthy life can help reduce the intensity of your schizophrenia symptoms and also lower your risk for additional health issues. 

The most important healthy lifestyle habits to focus on for schizophrenia management are eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, getting enough high-quality sleep, and avoiding the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. 

For more on our expert-level schizophrenia treatment, schedule an appointment by calling our office at 949-269-6142 or booking online today.

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