What to Expect from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy

Treating depression can sometimes be difficult with many people trying multiple antidepressants before finding the right fit. Up to a third of people with depression may have tried several different kinds of treatment unsuccessfully. This is known as treatment-resistant depression.
Thankfully, due to modern-day technology, there are now ways to treat treatment-resistant depression along with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
At her practice in Newport Beach, California, Venice Sanchez, MD, offers transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy to help you overcome your symptoms of treatment-resistant depression or OCD. TMS can even help with smoking cessation. Here’s how it works and what to expect from a TMS session.
Explaining TMS
TMS is a cutting-edge technology used to treat mental health conditions that haven’t responded well to medication and psychotherapy. The treatment targets parts of your brain that control mood and other symptoms of your mental health condition.
TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses an electromagnetic coil placed on your head to send electromagnetic pulses deep within the tissues of your brain. Your brain works through electrical activation, and its neurons become activated by the treatment’s electromagnetic pulses. The targeted neurons control mood and other feelings of pleasure.
Plus, TMS strives to activate other parts of your brain that have limited activity or function due to mental health symptoms.
What to expect from TMS therapy
Before starting TMS therapy, Dr. Sanchez determines if you’re a good candidate. To qualify for the treatment, you need to meet all of the following criteria:
- You’re in the middle of a depressive episode
- You’ve tried at least two different antidepressants
- You’ve tried psychotherapy
You may not qualify if you’re pregnant, experience psychotic symptoms, or have suicidal ideations. If Dr. Sanchez thinks you’re a good candidate for TMS, you typically come in for five 20-minute sessions a week for 4-6 weeks.
Before the session, our team places a helmet with an attached coil on your head that targets the desired region of your brain. During the treatment, you may feel a tapping sensation, but the procedure is entirely painless and doesn’t usually cause any side effects.
Why TMS?
If you have depression, OCD, or are trying to stop smoking, TMS therapy could be a great option, especially if you’ve tried other treatment routes without any results. 50-60% of those with treatment-resistant depression experience encouraging results using TMS, with up to one-third experiencing full remission.
If you’re struggling with a mental health condition like treatment-resistant depression or OCD and want to try TMS therapy, contact our office in Newport Beach, California, for more information. You can do this by calling us at 949-269-6142 or using our online scheduler to book an appointment.
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